!!!! MY POINT OF VIEW !!!!
By Astrologer Ashutosh
Astrology is basically a scientific method of reading planets, positioned at the time of birth.
Readers, of planet-position in any horoscope are called Astrologers who are not only educated in Astro-subjects, they are also spiritually stronger and they get their sixth sense developed by meditation and sacred studies which they do for the welfare of People.
People do not trust Astrologers as such unless they come to know some surprising results from word-of-mouth. People do not want to pay astrologers as against Horoscope reading because they feel that either Astrologer should tell them about their life free of cost or may be he should take very nominal fee.
However, they don't even negotiate when they make payments to Hotels against Lunch or Dinner. Regular expenditure on Smoking, out side food, and Consuming Liquor is being done without giving any thought over it, although they all know that all these expenditure will lead to generate more diseases rather than adding any value in their life. But People do spend money and that comes in thousands.
On the other hand, an Astrologer guides you for betterment of your life. People are facing numerous problems in various stages of life, like, financial- issues, Health-issues, Family-issues, Marriage-issues, Children-issues, Relationship-issues etc, and among these issues, few issues are commonly being faced by all of us.
People are living with stress due to problems in life and getting sick if their difficulties are unsolved. You can see many examples of committing suicides because all of them could not handle complications and got squinched and chosen wrong step.
Astrologers are savant to help and support you and tell you about your present state of Planetary position as against Horoscope. Indeed Astrology is a deep-science and every Horoscope is made of different various Horoscopes of same person. Horoscope has one Ascendant Horoscope and based on this, there are few more Horoscopes created mathematically ( Earlier Astrologers used to do this Mathematics by hand but today this method is possible by Computer through many Software)
Astrologers normally go through all these inter-related horoscopes before they give you any guidance for resolving any problem. Apart from this Current planet position ( गोचर ) is also to be considered importantly. Present Mahadasha, Anterdasha, and Pratyanter, (महादशा, अंतर्दशा और प्रत्यांतर) also play vital role in our life cycle and a deep-read Astrologer can only understands these charts to tell present and future.
Referring to para-2 and 3 above, one should try to understand the time to be spent by an Astrologer and efforts required to achieve in analysing one Horoscope to reach closer to the life of a person (Called JATAK). I am practising Astrology since 2009 and many of my clients have responded positively after they had taken my advise on resolving their problems. Means, they could get some relief on applying remedies as suggested to them. ( Astrological guidance can help between 50% and 70% maximum in extricating your complications in life).
Therefore, Readers of this Blog should decide now that spending little money on Astro-guidance is worth or not as it gives you relief from mental stress in your life. People should choose for Astro-guidance if they strongly believe in this Science and if they are spiritual by nature. Astrologers ask you to apply some natural ( सात्विक उपाय) processes to balance energy level and also to improve positive energy around you or may be in your house and result is always based on your trust and strong belief in what you are doing.
I conclude this article with an clear advise to all my readers that do not go blindly for any remedial process, and spend undue money, however, Astrological science is validated and Astrological guidance is advisable to resolve your problems. Pay full fee to Astrologer (with smile ) because Shastra says spending money on spiritual activities are well returned with multiplied profits, which can only be experienced. Finding appropriate Astrologer from large gathering is your discrimination.
( Readers may google ज्योतिष शास्त्र क्या है ? and read first four articles to know in depth knowledge about Astrology )
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Sorry, I was not on my Blogs since last few months.
I am indeed, regularly reading, thinking and doing analysis on Astrology and vaastu Science and you would be happy to know that many of my clients are getting benefits and resolving their problems by applying most simple, plain, moral ( Satvik) and spiritual solutions ( Upaay )as being advised to them by me.
I am always available for all of you and from TODAY , any one of you, can call me for 10 miniutes maximum for getting ANSWER for only ONE QUESTION without any charges.
One question can be answered by me for free and later if you need my
further astrological advice, you need to pay first.
Astrologer Ashutosh,
+918866020025 (w/app)
Fee for complete analysis of Horoscope - Rs
Discussion for 10 mints for one question -
No Charges
Discussion for more than 10 mints up to
30 mints max - Rs.500/- in
Vaastu guidance for New House design - Rs.5000/-
Vaastu Visit for 2-3 bed rooms Flats or
House - Rs. 2100/- in Indore
( For out side Indore actual travel
expenses will also be charged)
For Vaastu tips on phone based on your
present residence-map-Rs. 500/-